Factors Associated with The Utilization of Immediate Postpartum Family Planning Among Women Attending Kibogora Health Center, Nyamasheke District, Rwanda



  • Eleazar Ndabarora
  • Marie Rose Akayezu
  • Jacqueline Maniriho
  • Jean Claude Twahirwa
  • Chris Adrien Kanakuze
  • Immaculée Mukandepandanse


Postpartum Family Planning, Associated Factors Health Center, Rwanda


Although the main purpose of Postpartum Family Planning (PPFP) is to address problem of unmet need of the existing Family Planning (FP), decrease pregnancies and its bad outcomes, the PPFP uptake is still low in developing countries. Little is known about factors associated with acceptance of PPFP among delivered women at health center level. This study sought to assess factors (Socio-demographic, cultural, and healthcare system related) associated with the use of FP methods among postpartum mothers at Kibogora Health Center in order to fill the literature gap. The study used a cross-sectional design with quantitative approach to collect data from 196 postpartum mothers attending the Health Center. Data was collected using questionnaires, entered into Microsoft Excel, and exported in SPSS for analysis. Of 196 women recruited in our study, 180 (91.8%) are using PPFP contraceptives methods. Factors associated with the use of PPFP methods at health center level include: mothers’ communication with partners about PPFP, which is likely to increase by almost three times the chance of using PPFP (cOR 2.7, 95% CI, 0.26, 0.33; P=0.03) compared with those who never communicate with their partners, and mothers delivered by caesarean section are by seven times more likely to accept PPFP (cOR 7.05, 95% CI, 0.08, 0.10); P=0.008) compared with those who undergo vaginal delivery. Therefore, strengthen a comprehensive education program aiming at scaling up communication between mothers and their partners about PPFP, and the role of PPFP on decreasing spontaneous pregnancies and bad pregnancy outcomes regardless the mode of delivery are recommended.



How to Cite

Ndabarora, E., Akayezu, M. R., Maniriho, J., Twahirwa, J. C. ., Kanakuze, C. A., & Mukandepandanse, I. (2024). Factors Associated with The Utilization of Immediate Postpartum Family Planning Among Women Attending Kibogora Health Center, Nyamasheke District, Rwanda. KIBOGORA POLYTECHNIC SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.33618/KPScJ.2024.01.001


